Serious diseases, medical conditions or illnesses can’t be treated effectively unless your health care provider has an accurate diagnosis of your problem. While some illnesses are very rare or notoriously difficult to diagnose correctly, an experienced medical malpractice lawyer can advise you whether misdiagnosis in your case was the result of your doctor’s negligence.
For the advice of an attorney who knows how to assess and pursue negligent misdiagnosis claims in the case of such serious illness as heart disease or cancer, contact the Pittsburgh law firm of Richards & Richards for a free consultation.
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We know how to tell the difference between a doctor’s unavoidable error in identifying a particular illness or infection and negligent misdiagnosis. If we can prove that your disabling injury or family member’s death was caused by a lack of reasonable care in the diagnosis, we can hold the negligent doctor or hospital liable for the full range of your damages.
Our law firm’s experience with the investigation and proof of complex negligent misdiagnosis claims can make the decisive difference for you and your family in such situations as:
A common legal problem in misdiagnosis claims concerns proof that the injury or death of the patient was actually caused by the mistake in diagnosis. The defendant doctor will often argue that the misdiagnosis didn’t matter because the illness or condition would have disabled or killed the patient anyway.
Our experience with the proof of misdiagnosis claims can help you overcome defenses based on causation. Our ability to work effectively with consulting and forensic experts on specific illnesses has helped us achieve outstanding results in many misdiagnosis cases.
For a free consultation about your legal options, contact an experienced medical malpractice lawyer at Richards & Richards in Pittsburgh at 412-261-2620.