Cardiomyopathy refers to various forms of enlargement and corresponding weakening of the myocardium, or muscle tissue of the heart. It’s essentially a progressive or degenerative condition that might not show symptoms until its later stages. It can be caused by infection, alcoholism, pregnancy, genetic characteristics or other causes. No matter the cause, it’s a treatable condition that can cause death if undiagnosed or ignored.
If an apparently healthy person in your family, such as a young mother or high school athlete, suddenly died of a heart attack, the cause of death might well be noted as idiopathic cardiomyopathy dangerous enlargement and weakness of the heart from unknown causes. To find out whether medical negligence might have played a role in your loved one’s death, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer at Richards & Richards, LLP in Pittsburgh. Our experienced medical malpractice lawyers handle cases of misdiagnosis across Pennsylvania.
Medical malpractice attorney Veronica Richards is a recognized leader, lecturer and practitioner in the investigation and proof of claims against negligent physicians and hospitals. Named as a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer since 2004, Ms. Richards brings a 25-year track record of success to the benefit of her medical malpractice clients.
In cases of idiopathic cardiomyopathy, the legal and evidentiary questions generally concern what a primary care physician should have done to find or follow up symptoms. In some cases, an ordinary physical examination report will tell us whether danger signs were negligently ignored. In other cases, we’ll need to know why evidence of an enlarged heart was not taken seriously by a treating physician, family practitioner, or radiologist.
Our law firm works with a nationwide network of distinguished medical specialists whose expert opinions are essential to the preparation of your case and the proof of your claims. Our success on behalf of our clients reflects our ability to meet the demands of your case through working effectively with these experts.
If you need advice about your legal options in the aftermath of a death due to idiopathic cardiomyopathy, we can help you. Contact Richards & Richards, LLP in Pittsburgh for a free consultation at 412-261-2620.