Paralysis is one of the most life-altering conditions a person can be forced to bear. Sometimes a surgeon will perform a procedure and the risk of paralysis will be clearly communicated to the patient; and it may be considered an acceptable risk to take in an effort to improve the patient’s quality of life. In other cases, it may be the unexpected and avoidable result of negligence when performing surgery near the spine. A patient may experience unforeseen complications from a surgical procedure when a surgeon:
The spinal cord contains the nerves that relay information to the various parts of the body and affect coordination and motor skills. That is, the spinal cord operates as the direct line of communication from the brain to the rest of the body. When an injury to the spinal cord occurs, paralysis may result. The paralysis may be temporary and disappear as healing occurs; or it may be permanent, caused by severing the spinal cord. In addition to paralysis, patients with spinal cord injuries also become prone to develop other medical problems, such as bladder infections, lung infections, and bed sores.
If you or a loved one has been paralyzed, even partially, as the result of a surgical procedure, contact our office for a free, no-obligation initial consultation. We can review your medical records to assess whether the procedure was handled properly or negligently.