When people visit the doctor, enter the hospital for routine surgery or undergo a course of physical therapy, they expect that they will receive the appropriate standard of care. In short, they trust that the medical professionals treating them will provide care at the accepted level. When those professionals—doctors, nurses, hospital employees, therapists and others—violate the standard of care and injuries, illnesses or fatalities result, victims may be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries and losses.
If a physician or other medical provider in the Butler, Pennsylvania, area misdiagnosed your condition or failed to diagnose a serious illness at all, you may have suffered serious injury or illness because the provider delayed or administered the wrong treatment. If a loved one died because of medical negligence that caused pharmacy, surgical, or anesthesia mistakes or other errors, talk to a medical malpractice attorney. Learn about your rights and your legal options after an incident of medical malpractice turns your life upside down. You may be able to obtain compensation for your injuries, losses, and expenses.
The lawyers at Richards & Richards, LLP, know how to help. We have been helping people injured by negligent medical providers for more than 50 years. We have nurses and hospital administrators on staff who use their medical knowledge and experience to build strong cases that seek maximum compensation for patients injured by medical providers. If you were injured by a medical error or lost a loved one because of medical negligence in Butler, PA, call a knowledgeable medical malpractice attorney to learn about your rights and legal options.
The western Pennsylvania lawyers at Richards & Richards, LLP, have been helping people injured by medical negligence in Butler and nearby towns for more than 50 years. During that time, we have obtained significant settlements and verdicts for people hurt or devastated by the loss of a loved one because a provider failed to:
If medical negligence led to events such as these, do not try to work directly with the hospital or other provider to resolve the situation or obtain compensation on your own. Medical providers fight back when charged with negligence, denying their liability and covering up their actions. In these types of cases, medical experience and legal knowledge can really make a huge difference.
The medical malpractice attorneys at Richards & Richards, LLP, have handled many cases similar to yours in their more than 50 years in practice. They will use that experience to build the strongest possible case for compensation for your losses, injuries and costs. They will work with medical experts to identify the key issues in your case and demonstrate how the provider was neglectful in administering care. In addition to develop strong legal cases, they will fight to obtain the right treatment for your injuries and illnesses.
Our attorneys include a former nurse practitioner and hospital administrator, Veronica A. Richards. She has a unique understanding of how legal and medical issues interact in a medical malpractice case. She uses that understanding to hold medical professionals accountable for their negligent actions and behaviors. Because of her knowledge, experience and client focus, Attorney Richards is listed as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers In Pennsylvania by the American Association for Justice and appears on many other lists of top attorneys in the region and state.
If you suffered injury or lost a loved one because of medical malpractice in the Butler, PA, area, talk with a knowledgeable negligence attorney right away. Learn about your legal rights and options from an experienced medical malpractice lawyer today. At Richards & Richards, LLP, we build strong cases seeking full compensation for your injuries and losses caused by medical negligence. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation about your legal and medical situation.
Butler is the seat of Butler County, PA. With a population of more than 14,000, it was named one of the best small towns in the United States in 2012. It is about 35 miles north of Pittsburgh, and is home to several large employers such as a Veterans Administration clinic, a steel mill, several large healthcare providers, and numerous smaller employers. Several buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition, large parks, a thriving arts and theater scene, and a local daily newspaper, the Butler Eagle, make Butler unusual among towns of similar size.