Patients that are victims of medical malpractice can also end up suffering organ failure and not realize the two are related. Patients that do not receive proper treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions can end up suffering organ failure as a result. If you have received medical care for internal bleeding, Pneumothorax, ruptured spleen, drug interactions, sepsis, blood loss or trauma and you suffer organ failure afterwards, you may have been a victim of medical malpractice.
When a serious medical condition isn’t handled properly by medical professionals, it can put undue stress on the heart, kidney, liver and other organs and result in organ failure.
While emergency medical intervention may save the patient’s life and restore partial functionality to the organ, permanent damage may already be done. That can cause complications that the patient may have to deal with for the rest of his or her life. In cases like those, the patient is deserving of compensation.
These cases are time sensitive. If the patient dies as a result of organ failure, it may be difficult to relate their death to the medical malpractice that occurred during a surgical procedure, negligence, or because the wrong prescription led to harmful drug interactions. When medical professionals misdiagnose a condition and that leads to more serious or chronic health problems, they could be guilty of medical malpractice and the patient is deserving of compensation.
At Richards & Richards LLC, we are top medical malpractice attorneys with the medical knowledge and resources to help patients bring their cases to trial, if needed, during very difficult times. We have over 45 years experience, offer free consultations and only collect a fee if we win your case. Contact our medical malpractice lawyers today!
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