should doctors warn parents about fetal problems

When politics, medicine, and the rights of patients to complete and accurate information collide, which should prevail? Should patients be denied important medical information because some do not approve of the choices they might make based on that knowledge? These are questions at the heart of a battle among legislators and political activists in Pennsylvania […]

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tired surgeons are impaired cause surgical errors part 2

In our last post, we discussed the unfortunate similarities between drunk drivers and exhausted surgeons in Pittsburgh. A recent study showed that most surgeons were so exhausted that they were only functioning at about 70 percent of their mental effectiveness during about 30 percent of their shifts. That level of impairment is comparable to a […]

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tired surgeons as impaired as drunk drivers cause surgical errors

Everyone knows why it’s dangerous to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks. Your reaction time decreases and your judgment is impaired, among other things. Recent studies have shown that driving when you’re exhausted can be as dangerous as driving when drunk. But what about completing other activities when you’re exhausted? A recent […]

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annual pap smears cervical cancer screenings unsafe for women

For decades, women have called their doctors’ offices once a year to schedule their annual check-ups and Pap smears. During the past 50 years, doctors and patients alike have relied on Pap smears to screen for cervical cancer and other gynecological issues. Although doctors once encouraged women to schedule Pap smears every year, a federal […]

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does decline in medical malpractice cases suggest fewer errors

Anytime you’re looking at statistics, it’s important to look at all the data. In some situations, what may seem like an obvious conclusion after looking at the numbers may not actually reflect what is happening. For example, according to recent statistics, the number of medical malpractice filings in Pennsylvania has leveled off after a six-year […]

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medication errors could easily be reduced but doctors resist

When we were children, learning to print and write cursive was a mandatory unit in elementary school. Although handwriting was still required for the Millennial Generation, they were also required to take typing classes. Now, children throughout Pittsburgh are required to spend less time perfecting their handwriting and more time becoming efficient typists. The transition […]

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birth injury physician error or hospital negligence

In medical malpractice cases, there are typically several parties that could be held accountable. In some situations, what may initially look like an error on the doctor’s part could actually be an error on the part of a hospital. A Pennsylvania doctor found himself in that situation. A 34-year-old arrived at the hospital suffering from […]

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is doctors apology voluntary settlement enough after medical error

When someone makes a mistake, we expect that person to apologize. An apology does not suggest that the individual is off the hook for the damage he or she caused. Instead, an apology is designed to acknowledge that a mistake was made and to express regret for causing it. When professionals make mistakes, an apology […]

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interpreters in ers reduce miscommunication medical errors

Have you ever traveled to a foreign country and tried to navigate the area on your own? After four years of Spanish in high school or college, you may have been proficient at communicating in day-to-day situations. However, it’s likely that you still ran into words and ideas that you couldn’t communicate. If that happens […]

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